Saturday 19 October 2013

Katie Holmes – Dating Jamie Foxx Or George Clooney?

Katie Holmes – Dating Jamie Foxx Or George Clooney?


Tom Cruise’ ex, Katie Holmes is the hottest girl in town but she is not letting the world know her new man! The actress has recently been tagged along Hollywood heavy weights, George Clooney and Jamie Foxx. But Foxx is saying ‘its not happening’ while Clooney doesn’t seem to have a clue. So, what’s the true story?
From the latest buzz going around, Katie Holmes and Django star, Jamie Foxx are hooking up. Both have been spotted countless times together recently leading to many believing they are dating. According to In Touch Magazine, “Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx have been dating for a while and they’re very Mission – Impossible about their romance”.
Jamie Foxx has become the first to call all dating rumors lies. He told Entertainment Today, “The rumors are one hundred percent not true! In fact, it’s quite hilarious because we simply danced at a charity event along with a lot of other people.” But insiders still disagree saying it is totally happening.
Maybe Foxx is simply trying to throw us off their trail. After all, following his interview with Oprah last year, he would never tell the public who he is dating, “whoever you’re dating, don’t let anybody know!” he said in 2012. “I’m a very loving… when it comes to being there [for someone].”
So, if it’s perhaps not Jamie Foxx, could it be the perpetual bachelor, George Clooney whom, according to Grazia Magazine, Katie has been eying for years?
“Katie and George have known each other for years,” a source told the mag. “They met through her ex husband Tom Cruise, and have always got on. Katie has had a crush on him for ages.”
The source also added, “They’re both single and have met up a couple of times since the dinner party. Katie really has her sights set on him. There is a genuine connection. Katie and George are having a lot of fun. They are enjoying their new flirtation. He’s a fun guy with buckets of charisma and Katie loves his company.”

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